Website Work

Your website is your virtual front door.

It needs to not only look nice, but function well and be organized for your target audience. I create websites in consultation with stakeholders in order to help you meet your goals. My consulting includes a deep knowledge of website best practices, search engine optimization, accessibility and persona creation so that your site not only looks great, but performs great.

Minnesota State University, Mankato

As Director of Web Marketing for Minnesota State Mankato from 2012-2023, I have directed multiple redesigns at an enterprise website level. I design website experiences to assist in recruitment and retention and put processes in place and educate content editors on best practices.

Yoga with Molly

Molly is an independent yoga therapist in St. Paul, MN. She needed a web presence with a user-friendly backend so that she can focus her time on what truly matters: her clients. After struggling on her own with website technology and messaging, she reached out to me for help with a complete overhaul. The end result is a website that represents Molly’s brand professionally, is straight forward and easy to use for her clients, and has a backend that’s easy for Molly to edit when needed.

The Govenaires

The Govenaires are a non-profit marching arts organization in St. Peter, Minnesota. I have worked as an outside advisor for their brand and website presence since 2008. My role in the current website is as the original and ongoing designer, as well as a content consultant. This website targets prospective members and grant awarders as the two primary audiences.


URMySunshine is a brand created for an individual artist who sells baby products she creates. As an independent vendor, she needed a web presence quickly to provide potential customers a way to contact her as she is getting started. I created her logo based on her direction, and developed a basic landing page for her to begin establishing a presence online. In the future, we intend to expand this site into an online store as her capacity allows, as this business is a side project for her.

Notes on my Website Work

These are just a few examples of the recent project work I’ve done. The nature of the web is that it is ever-changing, and best-practices change over time as well. In my portfolio, I want to give you an opportunity to use and explore the web work I have done, rather than simply posting images of past work—because website design is about the experience as a whole, not simply the graphics.

Clients I have worked with in the past have changed their current web presence, but include Greater Mankato Growth, Twin Rivers Council for the Arts, and supporting e-commerce websites, Phoenix Drumline and more.



